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Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog WAS NOT created by one of my favorite bloggers MckMama. You DO NOT need to head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. But if you want to it is loads of fun……

The weather here in Wisconsin DID NOT dip down to the 30’s and it DID NOT actually snow this past weekend. I DID NOT take a picture of myself in the snow to email to my parents that are on vacation in Las Vegas. I DID NOT actually think about posting the ridiculous picture that you could’t even see the snow flakes.

While changing my youngest son’s diaper, I DID NOT notice an ant parade across the living room baseboard. I DID NOT follow that parade to the entertainment center where there was some spilled juice trapping 20 ants in front of the TV. I DID NOT proceed to make a trip to WAL-MART and purchase every RAID ANT product know to man. I also DID NOT start feeling like I had ants crawling in various areas of my body. My husband DID NOT start his nightly Ant Patrol where he inspected the Living Room to see if there were any more ants. This DID NOT remind me of Earwig Patrol that he did when we first moved into the duplex we lived in shortly after getting married.

I AM NOT taking a cake decorating class at our local Hobby Lobby. I DID NOT once again try to convince myself that I actually think cake decorating was fun. While I was completing my homework I DID NOT get frustrated because it wasn’t going the way I wanted. I DID NOT debate skipping out on the rest of the classes. After I had made a huge PILE of dishes I DID NOT talk my husband into doing the dishes while I got the kids dressed for the day. He fell for my trick and I WAS NOT very happy since I DO NOT hate doing dishes.

This weekend our grocery store had a Pumpkin Festival. Festival Foods IS NOT the greatest grocery store. It WAS NOT only 30 degrees when we went to the festival and I DID NOT pressure my husband to hurry up and find our pumpkins. They DID NOT have a bounce house and petting zoo there. Being the mean mom I am, I DID NOT deny my children from going in the bounce house and discourage them from entering the petting zoo. I also DID NOT take a picture there and wonder why the two boys can’t coordinate a smile.


My husband DID NOT question my lack of blog posts last week. (I LOVE You hunny!) He DID NOT suggest that I may lose my readers and pretend that he WAS a blog expert. I DID NOT need a break last week from blogging due to the craziness of school and regular life. His little lecture DID NOT make me feel a little bit guilty. I DID NOT proceed to start the posts for the next week at that time

Halloween is only a couple of weeks away so I knew I DID NOT have to get the costumes figured out for the boys this year. I DID NOT purchase my youngest sons in August. He IS NOT going to be the cutest dragon you ever did see. As I tried to figure out what the oldest was going to be He DID NOT suggest a kninght so he could kill the dragon. Ok, he may have actually called it a soldier. I DID NOT think this was the best idea and I absolutely DID NOT discourage him from any other costume he suggested. I also DID NOT hide the costume catalog so he WOULD NOT stay a knight. I AM NOT absolutely thrilled for Halloween so I can see my knight and his dragon! I also AM NOT debating dressing the youngest son up when I take the oldest to his Halloween party.

I can not even believe that I you would think that my family and I  might DO any of this things; I DID NOT so you better wipe any thoughts that I would from your mind.

or DID I?


Week One has come and gone! According to the scale it was a success!! I am down 4.3 lbs. YEAH!!!

9/25/09  – 189.7 lbs

10/2/09  – 185.4 lbs

WOW! I am so excited!! I don’t have any tips (I actually didn’t even give it that good of a try). Now, can you just imagine if I give it 100%!

How did your week go?

This isn’t that great of a freebie week, but I’m going to post all the great Freebies that I have managed to find below but check out others here.

Free Chocolate Friday – get free M&M Products

Free Items at Walmart

Free Fall Digital Scrapbooking kit

Free gift from Aerie

Free Herbal Essences Product

Sign up to receive a free Nutri-Dog Chews Dog Treat sample.

Sea Cuisine will be offering a coupon for afree frozen entree stating 10/4/09.

SC Johnson is offering a $5 Rebate WYB 3 items.

Land O Lakes is offering a free Holiday Recipe Brochure.

Get a free sample of Pollen Power bee pollen.

Free Healthy Women 2010 Calendar

Check out more freebies & giveaways here!

Become a FAN of my Facebook page where I frequently post good deals and freebies as I see them!

As an experienced mom of a four and two year old I would love to share with five of my top baby items! As part of the Show Us Your Life series on Kelly’s Korner she is highlighting Baby Gear this week. Check here for other peoples reccommendations!

Formula Dispenser – We were a bottle feeding family and this made life so much easier. I think I even had 3 of these floating around the house. When mine were just newborn I would fill this up every night and leave it on my bedside with my pre-filled bottles of water. So easy in the middle of the night – just pour and shake!! You can also keep little snacks in in like cheerios when the kids get bigger!

Flip down Mirror- I have the Eddie Bauer Version of this mirror but it is very similar to this one. I use it still to this day. I can see exactly what is going on in the back seat without having to adjust the rearview mirror. So wonderful – especially now with preschoolers that have trouble keeping their hands to themselves. These are the EYES I have in the BACK of my head!!
BOPPY Pillow- There are so many uses for this. When we were trying to breastfeed we used this all the time to help hold the baby up. It worked to prop the babies in when they were napping or when they were just learning to sit up. Plus, since I had c-sections this helped relieve the stress on my cut while I held my little ones!
Box Fan – This is a great way to add white noise to your little ones room. Our kids wouldn’t be complete without it!!
Monitor – We have a monitor in each of our kids rooms. That way we know anything going on. With our first son we had a unit with 2 other units that had replaceable batteries. We keep one unit in our bedroom and the other in our living room. With our second son we bought another monitor that had 2 units and the batteries would charge while the unit was plugged in. That was like heaven to us! If we had another child I would definitely invest in the video unit. There were so many times that I wished I knew what was actually going on in the room but didn’t want to check. This would save that.
Anything I would do differently?
Definitely – I would get a high chair that can be hooked to a chair instead of an actual high chair. So much easier!
What wouldn’t I recommend?
I never used my bottle warmers, wipes warmer, and Diaper Genie. In theory these things sounded great but never got used. It was just easier to use room temp water in our bottles, wipes straight from the package and carry the stinky diapers out to the garage.


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